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Quicken WillMaker Plus 2007 $4.99

Quicken WillMaker Plus 2007


Brand New CDRom

Quicken WillMaker Plus 2007
Help protect your family and your assets, and save on legal fees! Quicken WillMaker Plus 2007 provides the legal forms you need. So comprehensive, the software assembles your forms from among 40,000 document possibilities -- but so easy to use, you'll have them finished in minutes.

NEW! Quicken WillMaker Plus now includes a full "health care power of attorney." Dictate the health care you wish to receive if you can't speak for yourself, and be assured that your loved ones won't have to second-guess themselves!

Simply launch Quicken WillMaker Plus to create your own:

  • Will

  • Living Trusts, including an AB Trust

  • Health Care Directive:

  • Living Will

  • Health Care Power of Attorney (NEW)

  • Financial Powers of Attorney

  • Final arrangements document

  • Important documents for executors

  • The software also provides forms you can use every day, such as authorizations and agreements, child and elder care forms, promissory notes and documents to help you repair your credit.

For each document, Quicken WillMaker Plus takes you through a step-by-step interview. Your documents will automatically reflect the laws of your state. If you have any questions, simply check out the comprehensive onscreen legal manual.  Includes CD in windowed sleeve only - no retail packaging.

  • Your Will
    Provide for family, friends and charities. Name a personal guardian to care for young children. Specify the executor (or "personal representative") of your estate. Select a trusted person to manage property left to young people. Revise and update your will whenever you like.

  • Your Living Trust
    Make a basic trust, whether you're married or single. If married, you can create a AB trust (or bypass trust) and spare your heirs from potentially heavy estate taxes. Create subtrusts for minor children and young adults. Name custodians for property left to children. Change or revoke your trust at any time.

  • Your Health Care Directive lets people who care for you make important decisions about your life and health when you can't. Create a:

  • NEW! Health Care Power of Attorney - Permit a loved one to make important medical decisions for you if you are unable to do so yourself.

  • Living Will - Specify whether you want your life prolonged through artificial means. Appoint someone to make sure your wishes are carried out.

  • Your Financial Power of Attorney
    Name someone to make your financial decisions, in case you are medically incapacitated. Don't worry, you can grant as much authority as you wish.

  • Your Final Arrangements
    Plan a funeral or other ceremony. Clarify whether you want a cremation or burial. Select someone to oversee your final arrangements -- and more!

  • Documents for Your Executor
    Make sure your executor ("personal representative" in some states) has all the forms and instructions he or she needs to do the job: Checklists, letters, notices, claim forms -- and more.

  • Personal Finance Documents
    Over a dozen forms that let you handle financial situations you might face on any given day, such as disputing a credit card charge, lending or borrowing money to friends or family, creating bills of sale -- and more!

  • Home & Family Documents
    Whether you need to authorize someone to travel with your child to another country, want to lend your car to a friend, or create an agreement with a trusted person to take care of your elderly parent, Quicken WillMaker Plus can handle all these family situations -- and many more!


- Computer: Pentium 133 (Pentium II 300 recommended)
- Operating System: Windows 98 / 2000 / Me / XP
- Memory: 32 MB RAM (64 MB RAM recommended)
- Hard Disk Space: 18 MB (23 MB to install)
- Monitor: Super VGA (800x600) with 256 colors (16-bit color recommended)
- CD-ROM drive: 2X Speed
- Internet Connection: 14.4 Kbps modem required to access online features (56 Kbps or higher recommended)
- Printer: Any printer supported by Windows 98 / 2000 / Me / XP
- Software: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader (optional).

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 11 September, 2008.
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